Sunday, July 27, 2008
Last monday was Racial Harmony day 21st July.First, we did the Bunga Manga. We need a stick and a flimsy cutted paper.When we finish, we went to recess for 1 hour.There were many foods like Roti Prata, ting ting candy
............there were also some games and I played the rolling the metal wheel.I weared the traditional costume and the photographer took pictures of me.after that I went to the hall and watch the show about KAPOH.The show was very interesting.We all had a wonderful time.I wish I will have this kind of Racial Harmony day.
♥ the game plan
6:51 PM
Sunday, July 13, 2008
- When we are communicating in cyberspace, we say bad words and in capital letters that is called cyberbullying.
- The bad bullys cyberbullying us by using words.
- The bully cyberbully us because we also cyberbully them once, if they keep doing this complain or stand tall.
- I can stop the bully by standing tall and ask them to STOP or complain.
- I did not encounterd anybody in the internet that cyberbully me, i think when I encountered anybody in the internet, they would say all the words in capital letters.
- I would tell the bully to stop or complain.
♥ the game plan
6:50 PM